星中路麻辣烫星光胡同-DRINK HOUSE 地址:环城东路465弄8号 电话:13524861826 营业时间:10:30-24:00 获得点赞:(共五赞) 三优获得-THREE KINDS OF HIGH QUALITY SERVICES 服务体系-Excellent service 优☑ 良□ 中□ 环境体系-Environmental advantages 优□ 良□ 中☑ 价格体系-Optimal price 优□ 良☑ 中□ 评价标准-EVALUATION SRANDARD 该商家经过奉贤门户网生活频道认定为银牌商户。 The merchant through fengxian portal life channel as the silver medal merchants. 网站评语-Web site comments 商户经营者为人热情洋溢,善于交流,店内虽小,可是相对整洁,安装有空调,人流量多时,需要拼桌,食材相对干净,其麻辣烫口感麻辣,汤浓郁,没有杂味,其特点是调料,辣而鲜,深的周旁居民喜爱。 Business owner is good at communication, store ebullience, is small, but relatively clean, equipped with air conditioning, the flow of people for a long time, need to fight the table, its ingredients relatively clean, spicy taste spicy, rich soup, no flavor, which is characterized by spices, spicy and fresh, deep near residents love. 该店海报样式-The store poster style (仅防伪使用)
用心去认证每一家店铺,如有发现认证店铺与认证质量不符请拨打投诉电话-400-728-0636 如属实,我们将撤销该商户的认证,并奖励举报者500元 |